When we talk about being parents, just the word “parents” brings a big commitment. Now imagine leaving your country and starting a new life. It sounds overwhelming, doesn’t it?
Well… it’s not just overwhelming but “Chaotic and charming“.
I arrived almost 2 years ago to this beautiful country, I came as an international student and I brought many dreams to fulfill.
The interesting thing is that I came with my wife when she was 4 months pregnant, which made my challenge even bigger!
At first we were full of anguish and despair, and we couldn’t find a way to get ahead because there is no book to be parents, which I am sure that if it comes out it would be a hit much more than expected, and I would be the first to buy it!.
My wife saw me working, studying, and trying to be a husband and father all at the same time; I was essentially a zombie on autopilot.
As time went on, the responsibilities increased along with the growing belly.
Fortunately, every situation in my life has been about hitting rock bottom and this was no exception, as we were able to find wonderful people who gave us their help and my wife’s family was part of them.
August 28, 2023 arrived; it was 8 in the morning. There we were, my wife and I, after 25 hours of contractions, which gave birth to our daughter “Celeste,” a name that we chose for our entire life story.
I am a first-time Colombian father. I feel proud to have reached this point, and I know that I can achieve much more.
I will be telling you more in my next blog.
Thanks for reading, guys!