Dreams are weird. That’s the one thing I can tell you about them. Even scientists don’t know why we dream or at least have a definitive answer. There’s so much to dreams I have to know, but just don’t. I want to know, why people I know appear in my dreams?, why I dream of certain things?, why this one guy always appears in them? I don’t think I’ll ever know. There’s a types of dream that we can have that are called lucid dreams. In those dreams you can control the dream and do whatever you want. I tried to do this. I came close to controlling it, but I failed. In the dream I knew I was dreaming and I said out loud “Oh I’m in a dream” then everyone in my dream stopped and looked at me. That was frightening. I hope people don’t have that weird split second dream like you’re falling and you jump back up. Those ones aren’t my favourite.
I had a dream one time that I think I will never forget. it was so weird and funny that I wrote it down when I woke up. I was doing my job, for those who don’t know I work at a Shoppers Drug Mart. I was at the cash processing purchases, your typical Shoppers experience when a raccoon came up to the counter and stole $30 from my cash register. I was pissed. I yelled at the raccoon to give me the money back, but he didn’t budge. I kept yelling at it, but nothing happened. I then just went back to regular customer service worker and it still didn’t give me back the money. I woke up angry that I let that slide in my dream.
I guess sweet dreams are made of these, but who am I to disagree.