Ralph Supnet Picture

Ralph Supnet is an individual who is eager to get into the world of radio broadcasting. Born and raised in Toronto, Ontario he explores the city seeing all the sights and loves the view of the downtown at night. He loves to find topics and indulge with them as best he can. He is at his best self when he can use the topics he finds and spin it in a way that is entertaining for his audience. A relatable person who has his hand in just about anything even the stuff you wouldn’t believe for example, did you know that Ralph spends some of his off time reading Japanese comics known as, manga? He is one of those people that you want to know more about. Ralph loves to come into the radio room everyday expressing himself and indulging in a new topic. One day it’s all about food, his favorite is chicken nuggets, and the next he will talk about his fear of the ocean and squids (Calamari is another one of his favourite foods). Ralph loves radio announcing and was born for the role and will bring his style everywhere he goes. His charm knows no bounds. You can catch Ralph and his antics on S@y Radio every Friday from 10am – 12pm.