It’s topical for sure, but the Fall Semester’s nearing the end.
And that means it’s time to hunker down for the holiday season.
For most of us, that means we get to take a break from our studies and hang out with friends and family. Some might stay behind as they came from far away and can only stay in residence.
Here are some ideas that you can do this Winter Break to forget about school for a while…
Get some more sleep
No, really. You might be a serial napper like some people in my class, not naming names (Sean…Aryan), but take the time to reset your sleep schedule to something healthy. I’m pulling this statistic out of thin air, but it is recommended that you get at least 8 hours of sleep to be fully functional for the next day. It also strengthens your immune system (needed to moderate those colds going around this season).
Go eat some warm meals!
The Toronto Christmas market’s on again and that means warm food and tasty cider and mulled wine. to spring-board off of that, go eat some warm hearty soups and beef dishes if you can. I know Seneca@york offers daily soup packages at the cafeteria if you opt into it at the Dining Services Page.
Seriously. Make time for family and friends.
Even if it’s a simple phone call, if you have anyone in life that gives a hoot go give them a call. Reach out, talk to them. Just because it’s near Christmas doesn’t mean that people are all smiles and all sunshine. If you’ve lost a family member, lost a job, are going through a mental health crisis? Things in life are spiraling out of control? Just check in on those who matter to you. It’s an often-repeated platitude and it might ring hollow, but the end of the year is a good time to look at what you have, and think about what you need and what you need to do in the coming year.
Listen to DJ Braden Mondays 1-3pm on Say Radio, the voice of Seneca.