I went out with a friend to the city, and we stopped at a Circle K before we began our random exploration we had set out to do then out of the corner of our eyes we spot it the drinks they’re on sale. buy one get one free I look at my friend and before I can even say what I want to say, my friend says to me “ oh my God, look a minions drink” and now I know we have to purchase them. I’m known in my family for the impulsive need to purchase strange beverages. If there is a new flavour of some kind of drink that I know that I like that sounds weird. I have to have it if there is a weird drink that I think looks gross and I wonder why anyone would even buy it in the first place. I have to buy it especially if it’s on sale so that’s exactly what we did. we got banana flavour and chocolate caramel fudge flavour drinks from a brand called candy can.
These drinks are sugar-free they were vegan and gluten-free and it was bragging about all of this on the can. Unfortunately, they were kind of nasty exactly as I was expecting. I knew there was no way for them to be good, but I was still surprised by the way in which they were bad. Somehow someway, both of these beverages barely had an upfront flavour when they touched your mouth, but after you swallowed damn those things tasted like yogurt, like weird artisan, flavoured yoghurt they weren’t good they coded your mouth with a weird, weird film. It was nasty. Needless to say I will never be drinking them again. I’d give the banana one a four out of ten and the chocolate fudge caramel whatever one three out of ten mostly just because banana is a more appropriate flavour for yogurt and didn’t feel like a crime in my mouth.